
Have Fuuun!

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Kamis, 02 Desember 2010


heeeeyheeeeey pengen cerita banyaaaaaak bangeeeeet,bangeeeet iiih. abis dari kmaren banyak kejadian tapi saya malas nulisnya hehehehohoho. jadi mari kita mulai dari lonba pidato La sastra yang diadakan di SMANLI oh yeaaaaah bituh banyaaaaks perjuangaaan meskipun gamenang huhu... but it's ok I have so many chances out there... aaaaah ngantuuuk niiih besok lagi aja deh yaaa (lagi) maaf kalo suka gajelas,harap dimaklumi haahah hehhe
with love,

Sabtu, 27 November 2010

Watched Harry Potter 7 "Death Hallows" part I with my frieeends

heyaaaaaaaaa heyoooooooo hehe hari ini bener deeeeh gua banyaaaaak banget ngomong kotornbis pada nyebelin siiiih aaaaaaah, okeoke forget it, I don't wanna talk about them right now.
Tadi tuh yaaaa gua ga ada pelajarnnya si O*o doooongsss kiiiiw hahahaiii jadilah gua dan amy (temen klub jurnal) ngelilingin dosa buat minta vottingan guru! OH IYA sekarang gua masuuuk eskul jurnalistik dooongs hahaha paling ngga gua ga begitu kosaong-kosong amat kegiatan di sekolahnya. ya gitudeh pokoknya. CAPEK banget deh naik turun tangga ngelilingin kelas 7 blum lagi pendapat guru"nyaaa ahhh damn!
Oke pokoknya hari ini gua nonton harpot (iiiih lama amat ya?) ahahha gila daniel radcliffe keren sih tapi kayak bapak" =_= si Ron juga cuma si Emma Watson tuh yg tetep kinclooong hahaha gua nonton sama anak" ada hal gaenak sih sebelumnya tapi ini udah maleeeem banget gua capek mau tidur apalagi tadi si nadya gila main kerumah gua sampe jam setengah delapan malem coba hahahah okedeh segini dulu deh yaaaa

bubyeebubyeee muaaachmuuach

Rabu, 24 November 2010


Heyoooooo uwaaaawaaa sekarang hari rabu yah ehmmm sumpah yaaaa banyak banget hal yang NYEBELIN hari ini pertama,tadi pagi gua bangun telat jadilah gua harus naik angkot! Trus gua udah janji lagi bawa gitar! Padahal gua ntar balik jam stngah 7,kan ada les di lia. trus yang kedua ternyata hari ini tuh ada technical meeting dooongs di Smanli oh yeaaaaaaaah bayangin aja setelah gua berhadapan dengan berbagai debu-debu dan asap pastilah gua jadi BERANTAKAN! (baca: Rambut kusut muka kusut baju kusut) dan anjritnya lagi ada guru yang bilang gua kayak ga pernah sampoan! JERK abis! keseeeeeeeeeeel guaaaaaa jadilah gua ke Smanli dengan gaya GEMBEL anjrit! anak Smanli pada kinclong-kinclong lagi! MINDER abis dah guaaa!!!! Bu Ira sih pake nggak ngasih tau ada technical meeting segala kan gua bisa keramas dulu kek seenggaknya ahhhhh shitabis!  udah gitu ahhhh bodo amatlah gua minder nyeritainnya! Yang LEBIH PARAHNYA lagi gua ketemu si Coklat gue dooong (dengan kondisi GEMBELpantes aja dia ngeliatin gua) uwoooooooooooooooooo I HATE THAT MOMMENT! aaaaaaah gua ketemu dia beberapa kali lagi! hiks! TAPI TETEP AJA GUA SENENG BISA NGELIAT DIA =D
UNTUNGNYA hari ini mister mayo ga reseeeeeh! hahaha oh iya dia mainin gitar gue! Ternyata dia jago main gitarnyaa uwaahaha jadi makin cakep ajaaa (tapi sumpah yaa orangnya NYEBELIN BANGET! hissssh rasanya ngeliat dia itu kayak ngeliat algojo ahahah sayang banget yaah padahal nih orang bisa dibilang perfect lah, badan tinggi tegap (katanya sih dulu waktu masih SMA maen basket) hidung mancung,pokoknya wajahnya manislaah trus baru potong rambut jadi spiky gitu (gua yakiiin kalo dia baca nih blog gua HIDUNGNYA TERBANG pasti ckckck),pengetahuan luas jugaa tapi dia itu kadang sombongnyaaaa beuuuuh,jahatnyaaaa arghhhhh,suka ngasih HUKUMAN yang ga penting =__= oke sekian info tentang mister mayo. Oh iya tadi gua diajar bule namanya tim yaaaah lumayanlah dia ngebahas CONFIDENCE (NGENA BANGET) iiiih kesel gua kenapa pas banget coba hahahahaha gua kan jadi kepikiran yang pagi-pagi hemmmmh. trus pas balikya tik-tik (temen les gua) curhat ke guaaa :) gua seneng deh paling nggak bisa saling berbagi masalah hehe trus gua balik ke rumah dengan selamat bersama ka lintang,ka bie (tompel) dan ka fida.(Thanks God I'm still ALIVE!)
Thats all for todaaaay
Keep shouutiiiin' guys! ooowh yeaaaaaah
Merry Juliana =)

Senin, 22 November 2010


heyaaaaaaa hari ini sumpah yaaa ngeBETEin banget! tadi pagi-pagi gua ga pake topi trus si pak SATGAS nyuruh gua,ersa,alin,dll (yg gapake topi/sabuk/apalaaaah) berdiri hormat bendera selama DUA JAM MATA PELAJARAN mana panaaaaaaaas bangeeeeeeeeeeet lagiiii argggggh udah gitu mana gua pake diledekin segala =__= , tapi untungnya 10 menit kemudian ada guru BK yang nyuruh gua dan Ersa bagiin absen kecil HAHAHA asliiiii enak banget! Smua pada ngiri gua sama si Ersa ketawa hihihihahaha (apabanget dah) truuuuuus yaaaaaaah pas nganter absen kecil ada my prince chocolate awwww hahaha dia ngeliatin gue pas banget dimata! meskipun cuma 5 detik tapi rasanya GUA NGE-FLY tinggiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii banget meskipun begitu sayangnya gua ga ngomong apapa sama dia sangkin SHOCK nya hahaha sepanjang perjalanan ngelilingin dosa (ngebagiin absen) gua senyam senyum sendiri trus si ersa bilang, "deuuuuh yang berbunga-bunga" trus gua jawab, "apasih saaaa...." (tetap dengan senyum bahagia) gabisa gua sangkal itu tadi dia kayaknya ada sihir yg bikin gua jadi nyenga-nyengir wae hahaha lebih tepatnya yes, I'm falling in love hahaha samapainya di kelas gua baru nyadar pas tadi gua ketemu sama si coklat rambut gua awut-awutan, muka,gua kusut, ARGH smua ini gara-gara tadi gua dijemur! SATGAAAAAAAAAAS!!!!! (pas upacara udh dijemur kira" 20 menit tambah setelah upacara 10 menit jadi 30 MENIT GUA DIJEMUR! pantes ajaaa =_=) abis gua cerita panjaaaaaaaaaaang lebaaaaaaar sama my soulmate citra tri rahmawati gua balik senyam senyum sendiri trus gua cerita juga ke yasmin (dia juga ngefans loh sama prince coklat gue! hahaha) tapiiiiiii habis kesenangan ituu tugas numpuk SEABREK dari guru-guru huaaaaaaa. Pas pulang sekolah harusnya gua langsung ke LIA tapiii tadi pagi gua telat bangun jadinya ketinggalan deh! Ih gila capek banget1 bayangin aja gua balik sekolah jam 1 nyampe rumah setengah 2 trus masuk LIA jam 3! sedangkan perjalanan ke LIA butuh waktu 45 menit dari rumah gue (kalo ga macet) 123 saya MELEDAAAAK singkat cerita gua nyampe di lia 3.30 pas di depan pintu mister mayo udah senyum senyum (pertanda ga baik) dan bener aja gua disuruh nari TORI-TORI! (What the hell!) lamaaaaaaaaaa banget gua mutusin mau dihukum apa nggak atuh ya kan maluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu akhirnya karna alfred dan dan deryl kena hukum juga (abis sok jago!) jadi mereka DIHUKUM JUGA dooongs uyeeeeeeee dengan berlinang air mata akhirnya gua bisa belajar dengan tenang (ga juga sih). Trus mister mayo ngajarin bagaimana cara untuk mengurangi ngomong swear words. salah satunya ini : Foxtrot Uno Charlie Kilo= FUCK trus si deryl nanya "itu maksudnya apa?" trus ya gua jawab aja dengan polos, "Fuck!" ~~~~hening~~~~
Dan bener aja ya mister mayo ngejewer kuping gue! SHIT ABIS! telinga gua yg sebelah kirikan lagi infeksi! UDAH MAU SEMBUH tapi gara-gara DIA JADI NYUT-NYUT LAGIIIII ARGHHH ee!
trus dia kobok"mulut gua yaaaaa cudahin ajaaa hahaha dia ngelap_ngelap tangannya deh di baju gua uyeeeeee RASAIN! siapa suruh! :P
Ahhh pokoknya gituuu deeeeeh intinya hari ini gua BETE apalagi besok ada pelajarannya si O*o!
That's all guys! Keep Cheer up! Bubyeeee see yaa next timee muaah muaaah <3

<3 merry juu

Minggu, 21 November 2010

UWAAAAAAAAAAAH long time no see!!!


Heyheeeeey apa kabaaar nih blogku yg tidak terurus. uwaaa udah lamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sekaleeeeee saya tidak memosting apa apa maklum saya orang sibuk haha (lebih tepatnya orang MALAS) sempet sih beberapa kali pengen curhat pas lagi ada moment" bagus atau sedih tapi yaaa itu dia saya terkena penyakit orang indonesia yaitu M A L A S ahahha apabanget dah. Berhubung hari sudah malam,ikan bobooo (loh???) otak gua mumet soalnya gua bingung abis mau mulai dari mana curhatnya haha maka saya upload foto saja yaaaa, hope you like it! =D <3 photography

Rabu, 01 September 2010

Unpredictable Day! (part 1)

 1 September 2010
         Haiii semua! Hari ini sumpah yaaa aku  ga nyangka  banget deh, padahal ini tuh kayaknya cuma hari Rabu tanggal 1 September 2010 tapi banyaaak banget kejadian yang bikin aku terkaget-kaget , bhahaha
pertama-tama tadi aku jawaban yang benernya paling banyak pas Promotion Test ke-2 di LIA, trus aku sama kelompokku  selalu menang dalam segala sesi "perlombaan" di kelas hahhaaha sampai-sampai deryl dan kawan-kawan sirik dan ngomong hal yang jelas-jelas ngawur =__= kayak "Jagoan maaah ngalah dulu" atau "Ladies first laaah", cowok ituu yaaah sering banget ngeles pake kalimat-kalimat tersebut dalam keadaan terjepit. Dan gak nahannya lagi pas mereka menang satu pertanyaan gayanya ituloooh kayak  cheerleader versi cowok (gua ga nyangka si Deryl bisa lentur banget kayak gitu),mereka lebay banget deh baru dapet2 aja bangga kelompok gua udah dapat belasan kartu malh! hahaha naaah itu yang pas  belajarnya

Yang Kedua, pas pulang si Anak Autis (beneran autis looh,bukan ledekan semataa!) ngetem coba di depan pintu kelas aku! Otomatis aku teriak dong!!! Si tik-tik (temen gua yang ditaksir anak autis itu) pura-pura ga peduli tapi mukanya keliatan banget tegang gituuu hahhaha langsung aja aku  sama si tik-tik kabur ke WC (satu-satunya tempat dimana si Autis ga bisa ngegangguin kita....) Tapi rasanya ada yang kurang,apa yah?

"Eh tik,si nab-nab mana?" tanyaku setelah sadar sepenuhnya

"Oh iyaa, mana yaa si nab-nab??" si Tik-tik malah balik nanya.
Setelah mengumpulkan segenap rasa berani gua dan tik-tik keluar dari WC untuk memastikan keadan Nabila (nab-nab)  dan apakah yang kami lihaaat???  Nab-nab dibuntuti oleh si Autis! pertama-tama si nab-nab berusaha untuk stay cool tapi lama-kelamaan dia jadi ngeri juga, akhirnya dia pun berlari secepat kilat menuju tempat dimana aku dan tik-tik melongo hahaha

 Masih banyak lagi niiih, tapi udaah malem jadi lanjutin besok ajaa yah???

With ♥,

Marie Juliana

Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010

Our Prince Details (part 1, Justin Bieber)

Justin Bieber

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Justin Bieber

Bieber at the 2010 White House Easter Egg Roll
Background information
Birth name Justin Drew Bieber
Born March 1, 1994 (1994-03-01) (age 16)[1]
Origin Stratford, Ontario, Canada
Genres Pop, Contemporary R&B[2][3][4]
Occupations Singer, songwriter, musician
Instruments Vocals, guitar, piano, percussion,[5] trumpet[6]
Years active 2007–present
Labels Island, RBMG
Associated acts Usher
Website justinbiebermusic.com
Justin Drew Bieber[7] (pronounced /ˈbiːbər/, BEE-bər; (born March 1, 1994)[1][8] is a Canadian pop-R&B[2][3][4] singer. Bieber was discovered in 2008 by Scooter Braun, who happened across Bieber's videos on YouTube and later became his manager. Braun arranged for him to meet with Usher in Atlanta, Georgia, and Bieber was soon signed to Raymond Braun Media Group (RBMG), a joint venture between Braun and Usher,[9] and then to a recording contract with Island Records offered by L.A. Reid.[5][10]
His debut single, "One Time", was released worldwide during 2009, and charted within the top 30 in over ten countries. It was followed by his debut release, My World, on November 17, 2009, which was certified platinum in the United States, at the time giving Bieber the highest debut by a new artist in the year and making him the first artist to have seven songs from a debut album chart on the Billboard Hot 100.[11] His first full studio release, My World 2.0, was released on March 23, 2010 and has since received similar success; it debuted at number one and within the top ten of several countries and was certified platinum in less than two months of release in the United States. It was preceded by "Baby" in January 2010.



Early life

Bieber was born on March 1, 1994, in London, Ontario[12] and was raised in Stratford, Ontario. Bieber's mother, Pattie Mallette, was 18 years old when she became pregnant with her son. Mallette, who worked a series of low-paying office jobs, raised Bieber as a single mother. However, Bieber maintains contact with his father, Jeremy Bieber.[13][14] As he grew, Bieber taught himself to play the piano, drums, guitar, and trumpet.[15] In early 2007, when he was twelve, Bieber sang Ne-Yo's "So Sick" for a local singing competition in Stratford and placed second.[5] Mallette posted a video of the performance on YouTube for their family and friends to see. She continued to upload videos of Bieber singing covers of various R&B songs, and Bieber's popularity on the site grew.[10]


2008: Discovery

While searching for videos of a different singer, Scooter Braun, a former marketing executive of So So Def, clicked on one of Bieber's 2007 videos by accident.[13] Impressed, Braun tracked down the theater Bieber was performing in, located Bieber's school, and finally contacted Mallette. Mallette was reluctant; she remembered praying, "God, I gave him to you. You could send me a Christian man, a Christian label!"[13] However, after praying with her church elders and receiving their encouragement, she permitted Braun to fly Bieber, then 13,[10] to Atlanta, Georgia, to record demo tapes.[13] A week after arriving, Bieber sang for R&B singer/songwriter Usher.[16] Bieber was soon signed to Raymond Braun Media Group (RBMG), a joint venture between Braun and Usher.[9] Justin Timberlake was also reportedly in the running to sign Bieber, but lost the bidding war to Usher.[9][17] Usher then arranged an audition with Antonio L.A. Reid of Island Def Jam Music Group, who signed Bieber to Island Records in October 2008 (resulting in a 50/50 joint venture between RBMG and Island Records).[9][5][10] At that point, Bieber and his mother moved to Atlanta, also the home of Usher and Braun, to base his career.[9] Braun became Bieber's manager.[10]

2009–2010: My World and My World 2.0

Bieber in September 2009 at the Nintendo World Store
Bieber's first single, "One Time", was released to radio while Bieber was still recording his debut album.[18] The song reached number 12 on the Canadian Hot 100 during its first week of release in July 2009,[10] and later peaked at number 17 on the Billboard Hot 100. During fall 2009 it had success in international markets.[19] The song was certified Platinum in Canada and the U.S. and Gold in Australia and New Zealand.[20][21][22] Bieber's first album My World, was released on November 17, 2009. Three consecutive singles, "One Less Lonely Girl", "Love Me", and "Favorite Girl", were released exclusively on the iTunes store and charted within the top forty of the Billboard Hot 100.[19] "One Less Lonely Girl" was later also released to radio and peaked within the top fifteen in Canada and the U.S., being certified Gold in the latter.[19] My World was eventually certified Platinum in the U.S. and Canada and Silver in the UK.[22][23] To promote the album, Bieber performed in several live shows such as mtvU's VMA 09 Tour, European program The Dome, YTV's The Next Star, The Today Show,[15][24] The Wendy Williams Show, Lopez Tonight, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, It's On with Alexa Chung, Good Morning America, Chelsea Lately, and BET's 106 & Park with Rihanna. Bieber also guest starred in an episode of True Jackson, VP in late 2009.[25]
Bieber performed Stevie Wonder's "Someday at Christmas" for U.S. President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama at the White House for Christmas in Washington, which was broadcast on December 20, 2009, on U.S. television broadcaster TNT.[26] Bieber was also one of the performers at Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve with Ryan Seacrest on December 31, 2009.[27] Bieber was a presenter at the 52nd Grammy Awards on January 31, 2010. He was invited to be a vocalist for the remake of We Are The World for its 25th anniversary to benefit Haiti after the earthquake. Bieber sings the opening line, which was sung by Lionel Richie in the original version.[28] On March 12, 2010, a version of K'naan's "Wavin' Flag" recorded by a collective of Canadian musicians known as Young Artists for Haiti was released. Bieber is featured in the song, performing the closing lines.
"Baby", the lead single from the second half of his debut album, which features Ludacris, was released in January 2010 and became his biggest hit thus far, charting at number five in the U.S. and reaching the top ten in seven other countries.[19] Two digital singles, "Never Let You Go", and "U Smile" were top thirty hits on the U.S. Hot 100, and top twenty hits in Canada.[19] According to review aggregator Metacritic, the album has received "generally favorable reviews".[29] It debuted at number one on the U.S. Billboard 200, making Bieber the youngest solo male act to top the chart since Stevie Wonder in 1963.[30] My World 2.0 also debuted at number one on the Canadian Albums Chart, Irish Albums Chart, and Australian Albums Chart, and the New Zealand Albums Chart[19] and reached the top ten of fifteen other countries.[31][32] To promote the album, Bieber appeared on several live programs including The View, the 2010 Kids Choice Awards, Nightline, The Late Show with David Letterman, The Dome and 106 and Park.[33][34] On April 10, 2010, Bieber was the musical guest on Saturday Night Live.[35] On July 4, 2010, Bieber performed at the Macy's Fourth of July Fireworks Spectacular in New York City.[36] The second single from My World 2.0, "Somebody to Love", was released in April of 2010, and a remix was released featuring Bieber's mentor Usher. In June 2010, it reached 15 on the Billboard Hot 100.

2010–present: My World Tour and work on second album

On June 23, 2010, Bieber went on his first official headlining tour, starting in Hartford, Connecticut, to promote My World and My World 2.0.[37] The tour is called My World Tour and it will be concluding in December 2010.[38] In July 2010, it was reported that Bieber was the most searched for celebrity on the Internet.[39] That same month his music video, "Baby", surpassed Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance" to become the most viewed YouTube video ever.[40]
Bieber began recording his second album in July 2010 in New York City.[41] At this point, because of puberty, his voice was deeper than it was when he recorded his first album. In April 2010, the singer discussing his vocals remarked, "It cracks. Like every teenage boy, I'm dealing with it and I have the best vocal coach in the world. [...] Some of the notes I hit on "Baby" I can't hit anymore. We have to lower the key when I sing live."[42] British singer/songwriter Taio Cruz confirmed in July of 2010 that he is writing songs for Bieber's next album.[43] Hip hop producer Dr. Dre produced two songs with Bieber in July 2010[44] but it is unknown if they were made for the album, which is currently due for a 2011 release.
Bieber will guest star in the season premiere of the CBS crime drama CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, which is scheduled to air on September 23, 2010. According to Reuters, he will play a "troubled teen who is faced with a difficult decision regarding his only brother." Bieber will continue to appear in later episodes of the season as his character's story progresses.[45] Bieber will also star in a 3-D film about himself directed by Step Up 3D director Jon Chu and scheduled for a February 2011 release.[46]

My Favorite Stuff :)

just check it out :)

This is my Favorite Rose :) I always dream if there is a price will come and give me this rose

I love this golden Rose too I wish my dream to have this rose will be come true

Me my self and I ahaha

Me my self and I ahaha
Shadow of me (center) ,